Another day, another library drama.
Tina Harden of Longwood, Fla., said she held the books since 2008, keeping them off of library shelves because she found them too racy for teens and because she wanted people made aware of her point of view through media attention, The Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel reported Friday. [Michael Lohan, is that you in disguise?]
"There was a certain amount of good that could come from me holding the books to make a statement, and I felt like that was achieved," said Harden, who has three teenagers [Mission: Be a Huge Bitch - complete!]. "I feel like I had done my part to help focus attention on this." [famewhore much?]
It worked for Harden, who was deluged with requests for interviews. [winnar]
An unofficial OrlandoSentinel.com poll yielded 2,500 responses of which 81 percent said Harden should return the books. [w00t]
Most criticized Harden for censuring what other people's children should read and pointed out books in the public library in Seminole County and elsewhere are public property.
Harden said she hadn't seen the comments and wasn't influenced by them, the Sentinel said.
Harden has not paid the $85 in fines she owes, and said she is hoping the library will waive the fines. [why the fuck would they do that?!]
"It's not that I lost the books or I didn't feel like turning them in," she said. [WTF? she didn't feel like turning them in because she didn't like the content. IDIOT doesn't even understand what she's done] "I want us to work together. Hopefully they have the same goals as I do." [lemme guess, I don't think the library is going to share her point of view]
The library system could [ugh - could should be would here] not forgive the fines, Seminole County library services manager Jane Peterson [#1 classic librarian name] said, but she was glad the books had been returned."'
You may be thinking, "Well, Tina Harden just has a different opinion that you do. Her method of protest may not have been ideal, but we're free to express our opinion." I get that and I agree, but if she's going to protest a library book based on content, she should start with something more graphic -- like the Seminole County library's copy of The Joy of Sex.
And don't forget: A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone. ~Jo Godwin
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